Inglise keele test. Vali sobivaim sõna või lause. Test nr1

Sinu tulemus on
1 / 14

What have you done?

2 / 14

Whose keys are these?
…. are mine.

3 / 14

Chocolate is my greatest ….

4 / 14

You can have ice cream …. cake, but not both.

5 / 14

Had they …. arrived when you got there?

6 / 14

I will speak …. Suzanne when I see her.

7 / 14

…. are you mad?
Because you are late!

8 / 14

Is there a doctor in the house?

9 / 14

… is vacation?
It’s in August.

10 / 14

Hello, …. are you?
I’m fine thanks, and you?

11 / 14

I can’t see anything in this ….

12 / 14

Who is your daughter’s brother?

13 / 14

Thomas can’t get out of bed because he …. his leg.

14 / 14

Thida …. from Korea last week.

See test on retsenseerimata.
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