Dear Estonian language enthusiast!
This learning material is designed for young and adult Estonian language learners alike and it is first and foremost developed as an additional source for practicing and repeating previously acquired skills. You may do the exercises together with your teacher, however, the correct answers at the end of the material enable to use it independently on your own.
The selection and order of grammar topics is based on the textbooks of teaching Estonian as a foreign language and on the authors’ personal teaching experience. The learning material are aimed at levels 0–B1. We have tried to organize the topics from the simplest to the more complex ones, but as everyone’s learning path is different, you may, for example, find out that the chapter of comitative case is presented before the one of simple past tense. The content of each chapter is based on the same logics – topics cover exercises for both beginners and advanced language learners. The difficulty level of exercises within topics’ is marked by stars. One star stands for simpler exercises, two for medium and three for more complicated ones. As your language skills develop, it would be a good idea to return to the earlier studied chapters to do the more complicated exercises.
Good luck with practicing! Break a leg!
Ühenda paarid. Connect the pairs.
Trüki lünka. Fill in the gaps.
Kirjuta… Write…
Vali… Choose…
Tõmba joon alla. Underline.
Vasta küsimusele täislausega. Answer the question with a full sentence.
Täida tabel. Fill in the table.
Moodusta… Form…
Lõpeta lause. Finish the sentence.
Täienda lauset. Elaborate the sentence.
Klõpsa… Click on…
Liiguta… Move…
Kontrolli. Check.
Table of contents
- Tegusõnade pööramine olevikus. Isikulised asesõnad / Verb conjugation in the present tense. Personal pronouns
- Kolm esimest käänet: nimetav, omastav ja osastav / The first three cases: nominative, genitive, and partitive
- Mitmuse nimetav kääne / Nominative plural
- Kohakäänded / Locative cases
- Käskiv kõneviis / The imperative mood
- Ma– ja da-tegevusnimed / The ma– and the da-infinitives
- Lihtminevik ja nud-kesksõna / Simple past tense and the –nud participle
- Omadussõna võrdlusastmed / Adjectives: degrees of comparison
- Mitmuse omastav kääne ja teised mitmuse käänded / Genitive plural and other plural cases
- Saav, rajav, olev ja ilmaütlev kääne / Translative, terminative, essive, and abessive case
- Kaasaütlev kääne / Comitative case
- Mitmuse osastav kääne / Partitive plural
- Tingiv kõneviis / Conditional mood
- Täisminevik / Present perfect
- Enneminevik / Past perfect
- Kokkuvõtvad harjutused kõikide ajavormide kohta / Summarizing exercises for all tenses
- Sihitise käänded / Objective cases
- Umbisikuline tegumood / Impersonal passive
- Tegusõna käändelised vormid / Declinable verb forms
- Oleviku kesksõnad / Present participles
- Kaudne kõneviis / Indirect speech
- Määrsõnad ja nende võrdlusastmed / Adverbs. Degrees of comparison