11. Shapes
Õppevideo: Shapes Song
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Ring – circle
Poolring – semicircle
Ellips – ellipse
Ovaal – oval
Süda – heart
Poolkuu – cresent
Kolmnurk – triangle
Ruut – square
Nelinurk – rectangle
Romb – rhombus / diamond
Rööpkülik – parallelogram
Trapetsoid – trapezoid
Trapets – trapezium
Viisnurk – pentagon
Kuusnurk – hexagon
Seitsenurk – heptagon
Kaheksanurk – octagon
Üheksanurk – nonagon
Kümmenurk – decagon
Nool – arrow
Täht – star
Rist – cross
Laul: The Shapes Song
Laul: Shape Song
Olen ruut, sa näed mind kõikjal.
I’m a square, I’m a square you can see me everywhere.
Mul on neli serva.
I have four sides.
Ma olen ring, ma käin ringi.
I’m a circle, I go round and round.
Mul pole algust ega lõppu. Olen ümmargune ring.
I have no start, I have no end. I’m circle round and round.
Ma olen kolmnurk. Olen teravatipuline väike kujund.
I’m a triangle. I’m a pointy little shape.
Mul on kolm serva.
I have three sides.
Me oleme kujundid.
We are shapes.
Sa näed meid kõikjal.
You can see us everywhere.
Ma olen nelinurk.
I’m a rectangle.
Ma käin tõeliselt pikka ruutu.
I go really long square.
Mul on neli serva.
I have four sides.
Olen täht kaugel taevas.
I’m a star in the sky so far.
Mul on viis väljaulatuvat kätt.
I have five pointy arms.
Olen süda. Olen kurvikas ja nii tark.
I’m a heart. I’m su curvy and so smart.
Olen romb.
I’m a diamond.
Sa võid mind näha sõrmusel.
You can see me on a ring.
Ma olen nii särav ja ere.
I’m so shiny and so bright.
Laul: 5 Little Shapes
Five little shapes jumping on the bed
Square fell off and bumped his head
Triangle called the doctor and the doctor said:
’No more shapes jumping on the bed.’
Four little shapes jumping on the bed
Triangle fell off and bumped his head.
Star called the doctor and the doctor said:
’No more shapes jumping on the bed.’
Three little shapes jumping on the bed
Star fell off and bumped his head.
Oval called the doctor and the doctor said:
’No more shapes jumping on the bed.’
Two little shapes jumping on the bed
Oval fell off and bumped his head.
Circle called the doctor and the doctor said:
’No more shapes jumping on the bed.’
One little shape jumping on the bed
Circle fell off and bumped his head.
Square called the doctor and the doctor said:
’Put the shapes right to bed.’
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